Tuesday, December 16, 2008

He's finally a doctor!!!!!!!!

My dh's dream has been to earn a Ph.D.  Now, finally, after 20 years as a college student, he is a doctor!!   He recently graduated with a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering.

We are all so proud of him!  He's the first of his family to go to college and what a high bar he has set for the rest!! 

Accepting doctorte

Monday, December 1, 2008

Views from our windows....

Well, winter has come a bit early here.  Here are some things I've seen when looking out our window lately.

Snow!  We've had a couple of snows so far....only a couple inches each time though.

But enough for the wee folk (or is she a gnome?!) to play in.
wee folk

And to build a snowman!  Meet George, our snowboarding snowman.  (Do you think our minister minds that a snowman shares his name???  )

Good thing we started feeding the birds before the snow came!

Bluebonnet was quite happy we had food available!
Bluebonnet with a seed

So what do you see out your window?