We can't find the camera card

with the first pictures we took, but here are a few pictures!

Supreme Court (that's us way up at the top of the steps, on the left, by the pillars!)

Our congressman was busy at the time we were to meet him, so he asked his aide to bring us over to the capitol to meet with him between votes.

In between votes he gave us a private tour! This was soooo nice because the next day, when we went on our "real" tour of the capitol building it was jammed packed!!!

Taken from inside the capitol, looking out the window.
If we ever find the other card, I'll post the Washington and Lincoln pictures!
Sorry for the delay, I'd wanted to write before our vacation but was too busy getting ready. Now we're back, so here's my e-mail: becca wigton at tusco dot net (take out spaces and change symbols). Our family website is: http://wiglife.blogspot.com in case you're interested. Also, I've checked out fiveinarow.com and plan to pick up their before FIAR teacher's guide for ages 2-4. Very excited about that, thanks for the tip!