Monday, September 12, 2011

Invisible Illness Awareness Week 2011: Part 1--How can you homeschool with a chronic illness?


This week (Sept. 11-17) is Invisible Illness Awareness Week.

It's been 8 years, I think, since I was diagnosed with three (relatively) Invisible Illnesses.  I've homeschooled during the entire time.   A common question is How?  How can you homeschool with a chronic illness?

Well, in many ways it's easier.  I honestly can't imagine my girls in a public school setting.  I'd have to make sure they were on the bus at a certain time--whether I felt like getting out of bed or not that morning.  I'd have to worry about how I'm going to get them various events or help them sell fundraiser items--whether I felt like it or not.  I'd have to help them with their homework--in the evening, when my strength is all but gone.  And with the girls in public school, who knows what virus they'd bring home to wreak havoc on my suppressed immune system!

Yes, homeschooling is a huge commitment and it's definitely not an easy road, but it's the best for our family. Think about it.....I am free to choose curriculum that best suits me and my girls.  I can school around the bad days.   I can even do school while laying in bed or on the couch if I have to!  During the time I was going through testing to see what was going on, this is exactly what I did most of the time.  The girls could snuggle up on the coach or bed with me while we did Five in a Row.  They learned a lot, despite by not feeling well!   And they learned about compassion and that many hands make light work. 

Homeschooling is the only thing that makes sense for our family!


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