As I struggle to determine ways to improve our learning environment and how to best help dd8 with her ADD, I've decided to, for the rest of this year, to chuck the workbooks.
We've signed up for a website called Time4Learning.
We've only been using it a week. Overall, dd8 is enjoying it very much. I've had to sit with her and help her much of the time, as there have been several topics that's she's either never done before or done and not remembered how. Plus she tends to skim/skip over instructions.

It has parental controls like the length of time for each lesson. It also has reports, so I can see how long she took on lessons and what she got on quizzes and tests.
It has a "playground" area....if she is done with her lesson (.i.e, the amount of time I set for the lessons), she can go play.....but only for the amount of time that I set for play time.

There are a multitude of games to choose from, some educational, some just fun.
As with all software, we have had some quirks to work out. But the folks in the Parents Forum have been very quick to respond and help.
One of the items that the developers boast about is that the lessons are varied. They certainly are........a great mix of reading, listening, playing a game to learn the concept, etc. This keeps the students alert and helps them from becoming bored with repetitive screens. However, I do wish they would at least make the way to exit the lesson uniform. We're constantly trying to figure out how to exit the lesson "properly" so that it will be marked off as completed.
I really like how the program doesn't make some rude noise when the answer the child selects/inputs is wrong. Instead, a window usually pops up stating that the answers incorrect (the number's too high, etc.) and gives the student another chance. (Of course, it doesn't do that on tests and quizzes.)
The T4L program is specifically for Math and Language Arts, but most grades have lots of lessons for science and social studies as well. This is a great plus. We can break up the LA and Math lessons with shorter lessons in science and social studies.
Overall, it's going well and I feel it's worth the subscription price. I don't know that I will continue it for next school year, but for now it's a welcome break as I determine the best route for her.
I've looked into
Sue Patrick's Workbox System. I'll admit, if not for determining that dd8 has ADD, I would not have even thought about jumping on the workbox bandwagon like so many homeschoolers are doing right now. However, the whole idea of the system makes me think this will work for dd8!

And, I can see where my dd10 may also benefit from the system. (Like this morning, when she finished her workbooks and I was still helping dd8! She could have independently moved on.)
Anyway, I hope to start implementing a version of the workbox system after I return from the
Midwest Homeschool Convention. Can't wait to go!
I'll also start implementing some of the ideas in
Dianne Craft's Brain Integration Therapy Manual and looking into appropriate and effective nutritional supplements and diet changes.