As mentioned before, I had a full-body thermogram done earlier this week. The results, with thumbnails of each scan, came in today's mail. The thermography report revealed no suspicious (as in cancerous) areas! \o/
That's not to say that I don't have a lot going on, however! There were several inflamed areas, many likely having to do with my dermatomyositis, interstitial lung disease, or Raynaud's phenomenon. The only one that is likely not a result of those was some inflammation in the upper abdominal region.....I'm wondering if that's not stress on the liver by the medication I'm on???
I hope to take this information to the doctor and see what he rheumatologist isn't an "alternative option" kinda guy. But I've tried his way for 6 it's time to explore some other ways. I did learn of an D.O. within our network that does have alternative leanings......I hope to call him next week.

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