We had a great CHRISTmas, spending the day with family...and, as usual, receiving far too many gifts. The girls got Nikon Coolpix cameras and have been having a blast with them. I got the latest version of Corel PhotoShop...and a book to help me learn it! Everybody got books to read (of course!)......and I've already read one of them, The Reluctant Prophet by Nancy Rue. (If you liked the Yada Yada Prayer Group/House of Hope series, you'll like this one too!)
We finished our 5th year of reading the Jotham's Journey Advent books.....this year was our second time through Bartholomew's Passage. We also did our Noel Calendar......despite that my girls are older now, it has become a beloved tradition.
CHRISTmas Eve service is my favorite church event, and this year was no different. DD13 was honored to play Mary during our church's CHRISTmas Eve service. She brought tears to my eyes.
We're slowly getting back into the school routine. We finished Mara, Daughter of the Nile during our CHRISTmas break. DD13 loved the entire book (she continually begged me to read more!), and both were kept on the edge of the their seats as I finished it.
As the year is winding down, I naturally find myself looking ahead to the coming year....2011...wow. Seems like just yesterday it was turning to the new millennium an

A very blessed New Year to all my family, friends, and readers!
Celia-I am your Bible in 90 Days mentor. Just wanted to stop by your blog and let you know that I am praying for you!