For our language arts, DD10 is still doing the Calvert Grammar CD. We took a break from All About Spelling, but we've come back to it and will soon be finished with Level 1. I ordered Level 2 this week, so we'll be able to continue the program. Even though Level 1 was pretty easy for her, it's been good to build a firm foundation. DD13 does her Daily Grams, which she actually enjoys (especially analogies!). We also do IEW's Fix-It....for some reason this turns into a giggle session. I'm not sure what's so funny, but the girls seem to have doing it and they're learning, so who am I to complain???? Unfortunately, HWOT's Cursive for DD10 went by the way side....really need to pull that back out! We also got out of the routine of IEW's Writing program...MUST get back on that!!!
The last couple weeks of science for DD13 has been finishing up the sections on earth science in Apologia's General Science. She prefers geology, but we're now headed into the life science section. We are now coming together at co-op for discussion and labs for the remainder of this course. Another mom and I are teaching it. I had the first class......I was 15 minutes late and finished 15 minutes early......maybe I should work on my timing a bit more! LOL. I was able to show a couple short videos from The Truth Project by Focus on the Family that tied into our discussions. DD10 has a break from science right now...with the exception of what she's learning in our Bible time.
For our school Bible time (as opposed to our personal devotion/reading time), we have been going through Answers in Genesis' It All Begins with Genesis. We're about half way through. This has really enriched our science class as well! When we were studying fossils in General Science, IABwG had a great illustration that the kids acted out to learn just how difficult is to become a fossil. Now that we're on the life section of General Science and discussing DNA...our discussions in Bible time ended up being on DNA. Don'tcha just love it when God coordinates your school lessons!! (You don't think that *I'm* that organized, do you!!!!)

On to history......we are still working on Mystery of History, Volume 1. We're now on King Solomon. Not a lot of options for read-alouds, but we are reading Rachel's Secret Journal from the Bible-Time Kids series. The girl's father is one of the Temple workers for King Solomon. It's an OK read...certainly not great literature. The diary format makes it a bit cumbersome as a read-aloud.
I guess that's about it, I think, except for our co-op. During these winter months, we continue to meet weekly, but with a reduced schedule. Our main focus is to keep the upper sciences going and allow the younger kids an organized time of educational games and a gym time with more time for socializing ('cause ya know we're unsocialized!) I had the 4-6 grade kids at co-op this week for the educational game time, and we broke into two teams (7 kids each) did some Bible trivia. I think for next week, I'll make a ZONK game for them that covers multiple subjects.
Have a blessed week!