Because my sweet friend Ami is a list of the chapter books that we read for ancient history, MOH1. They are arranged in the order in which they were read.
Adam & His Kin by Ruth Beechick
The Golden Bull by Marjorie Cowley
(not read, but we should have: The Secret Scribe)
Gilgamesh The King / The Last Quest of Gilgamesh by Zeman (I believe there is a third book that came between these two, but we did not read it. These are picture books.)
The Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
The Laughing Princess of the Desert by Anna Tyra Adams
Where I Belong by Rebecca Kenney
Tirzah by Lucille Travis
Cat of Bubastes by Henty (We listened to Jim Weiss' "thoughtfully abridged" version.)
Assigned reading: dd10 read His Majesty the Queen
dd13 read Abigail's Secret Journal
both read Princess at the Well and Timna
The Hittite Warrior by Joanne Williamson
Mara, Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
Rachel's Secret Journal
Adara by Beatrice Gromley
God King by Joanne Williamson
Rise of the Golden Cobra by Henry T. Aubin (I edited a couple of small things)
To Ride the Gods' Own Stallion by Diane Lee Wilson (There were a few places I edited)
Victory on the Walls by Frieda Clark Hyman
Archimedes and the Door to Science by Bendick
The chapter Julius Caesar from Well Loved Tales of Shakespeare by Miles
Julius Caesar and the History of Rome -- Audio by Jim Weiss
The Bronze Bow by Speare
Sparrow Alone by Petersen
Out of Darkness by Petersen
This is great! Thanks for sharing!