Well, my birthday came in the midst of funerals, as my SIL's in-laws both passed away--just 10 days apart, with my birthday in the middle of them. My husband's family has always included the families of both their children's spouses in family get togethers, so we were all a pretty close bunch. One big extended family.
Anyway, my birthday came and dh said we'd go to Ponderosa for lunch. Called his parents, but they had already eaten (yeah, right....little did I know!). Went to lunch then on the way home, dh turned down to his parents. I didn't think much of it--we're there a lot. Even when I saw several cars, I just figured folks were bringing my SIL food or flowers for the loss of her MIL. Even when I saw a dear friend and her family, I just figured she was bringing something for my SIL (my SIL, my friend, and I are all part of the same homeschool co-op, so it made sense.)
Then my husband said Happy Birthday! Then I realized this was a party! A birthday party for me! I totally had no clue before that point! The house was full of friends and family and food! It was a great time--so nice to see everyone. I was blessed with many presents, but most of all I was blessed by seeing everyone.
Oh, and I found out later.....the invitation said nothing about a party.......it was an "Open House."

Love and hugs to all my family and friends. Thanks for making my 40th so very special!
I was random blogging, and saw yours, which is interesting! I saw the one "Big 4-0" and had to read! I too, have just turned the big 4-0. My family, too, surprised me with a party. I had no idea until that day that anything was up. It was so much fun to see everyone there. I didn't get to eat though, because I was busy making my way around to all the tables greeting everyone. It was great!