Sunday, August 19, 2007

Backing up my blog!

When I recently started blogging, I was really looking for a way to chronicle our daily activities.  Not that the world cares (we're too boring!), but for me.  Since my first was born, I said I was going to write things down so we didn't forget.  Well, my oldest is almost 10 and I haven't done much of that yet. 

I was greatly disappointed when I set up my blog that I could find no way to "back it up."  Well, I figured out a way.  For the most part.

I was really looking for a way to automatically be told when there's a new entry to read on a friend's blog.   (Hi, Ami!)    I had recently updated my email program (Mozilla Thunderbird and recalled seeing something about RSS in the new stuff.  So, while poking around Ami's site, I saw "My Blog's RSS."  

I went to the help section in Thunderbird and read up on what an RSS is and how to set one up.  Then, I created one for Ami's site.  

My email program now goes out and checks every couple hours to see if she's updated it and then emails me the text of it when it does find an update.  What it also did was to email me each of Ami's already existing entries. 

So, putting two and two together , I subscribed to my own blog.  Now I have a separate email of each of my entries.  These emails do not contain any pictures or graphics, and it lumps the text of the entry into one paragraph, but at least I now have a searchable "diary" on my computer!     It will be nice at the end of each school year to print them out and put in the year's binder.

Y'all may already know this or maybe you already know a way to back up your own entries, but I was excited to figure this out.  If you know of a better way, please holler!

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