We are using Mystery of History Creation to Resurrection as our spine. I purchased their new challenge cards to periodically review. I like the short lessons and that it is Bible-based. But the best thing about our history has been our read-alouds. Even though my girls are older and very strong readers, I have been reading aloud most of the historical fiction novels that I have chosen to go with our history studies this year. Many of the books were recommended in the MOH text. My girls, especially my oldest, tend to be stuck on reading only limited topics. I wanted to make sure they get in lots of historical fiction this year, and, also being convicted after hearing Andrew Pudewa talk about the importance of reading aloud to your children, I decided I would read the books aloud to them this year. It's been great so far! The girls have really enjoyed books that I'm sure they otherwise would have quit reading about chapter 2!
Here's what I've read aloud so far......
- Adam and His Kin by Ruth Beechick
- The Golden Bull by Marjorie Cowley
- Gilgamesh the King and The Last Quest of Gilgamesh by Ludmila Zeman
- The Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
- Where I Belong by Rebecca Kenney
- The Laughing Princess of the Desert by Anne Tyra Adams
- Tirzah by Lucille Travis
- The Cat of Bubastes by G. A. Henty
- Hittite Warrior by Joanne Williamson is our current read aloud.
For science this year, dd13 is doing Apologia's General Science. She is doing the notebooking pages, lab reports, and lapbook components from Knowledge Box Central. I comb-bound the notebooking pages, which are for the On Your Own questions, and the lab report pages. The lapbook components, which are for the Study Guide Questions, she mounts on piece of cardstock and places in a 3-ring binder like a Lap-N-Note book. It's been working well for her.
DD10 is doing Real Science-4-Kids Chemistry Level 1, which is from Gravitas Press. It's a bit of a challenge for her, but she's doing OK with it. I've been making some crossword puzzles to help her remember key terms from each chapter.
We're doing a variety of things for language arts, which is normal for us. LOL.
DD13 is doing Easy Grammar's 8th grade Ultimate Grammar. DD10 is doing Calvert's 4th grade grammar CD.
Both are doing Institute for Excellence in Writing's Fix-It grammar and Student Writing Intensive Level B. I am so excited about this writing program! Although I've not kept it up as I had wished, we're plugging along slowly (which is better than not at all!!!). Even my dh is implementing some of the ideas into his college classes!
DD13 is using IEW's Phonetic Zoo for spelling, while DD10 is using All About Spelling. DD10 is almost done with Level 1. She would have been done with it long before now, but we've been doing it hit and miss. :blush:
In the spring, we will do some literature analysis with IEW's Teaching the Classics. I am very excited about this program and how it can be applied to anything we read.
Both are learning to type. DD10 is working on cursive using Handwriting Without Tears.
For math this year, DD13 is continuing with Saxon, doing the 87 book. Over the summer, I had her do the Life of Fred Fractions book. She has liked it so well, that she also did the Decimals and Percents book and is currently working on the Pre-Algebra with Biology book! Fred is a hoot!
For DD10, we switched to Math-U-See this year. I backed her up to the Beta book, which she flew through, to help solidify concepts and to make sure we would do things the MUS way. She is almost done with Gamma.
For our Bible studies this year, we are doing AiG's It All Begins with Genesis, and learning the importance of having a Biblical worldview. Along with this, we are using How Do We Know the Bible is True? and similar resources.
That's about it, I think. It's a pretty busy year!
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